Contact Us.
Here for you.
E: sasha@sherbetbirdie.com.au
P: 0405 429 262
If you’d like to book your photoshoot, please don’t hesitate to use our online booking calendar or contact our friendly team by using this contact form.
Find us.
Studio Address
495 Jarrett Lane
(find the orange door-frame and the white pot plant, that’s us!)
Leichhardt NSW 2040
Postal Address
495 Parramatta Road
Leichhardt NSW 2040
We provide one car space in our garage on Jarrett Lane. Please call us on 0405 429 262 to organise.

Ready for your makeover?
If you’re keen discover your inner vintage self, then give Sherbet Birdie a call on 0405 429 262, or contact us today to book your photoshoot.